The forecast was not calling for it, but there it was! After saying goodbye to Grammy and Papa we poked our nose out and found a strong southerly that could carry us tight hauled across the Straight so away we went!  We landed in Hammond Bay for the night and ducked over to Gabriola Island the next morning.

We never go to the ultra popular Smugglers Cove, because usually it is packed with boats. So we decided to check it out at the end of September and were pleasantly surprised. The anchorage (when empty) is spectacular and there are excellent hiking trails ashore from the point to the parking lot, passing and pond created by some very busy beavers. Fynn turned three on Friday and her Grammy and Papa drove up from White Rock to join us on the boat for a night. Fynn was soooo excited for that birthday surprise! We had a huge crab feast and birthday cake and reflected on Fynn’s second year of life, most of which is chronicled on this blog page!


Not surprisingly, the prop is misaligned in the engine. So we can do about 1200 rpm OR 2600 rpm or we have some pretty nasty vibrations. At 2600 rpm we will burn through all our fuel in blink of an eye, so 1200 rpm it is. We have essentially become a sailing ship. No more going willy nilly. We need to go where the wind takes us or don’t go far at all. With no wind available to cross the Straight to Comox we are sailing down to Cape Cockburn, home of the Sunray Cabin, former residence of Harry Roberts. Despite being inundated with mosquitoes we enjoyed the cabin and the rocks and the sunset.