Living off the land, part II

Juicy huckleberries

Well we would be VERY HUNGRY is we actually had to live off the land… Kolby said we would probably be eating a lot more oysters. I said I would probably try to cook seaweed – he made quite the face. Here are some of the things we were successful with:

Oysters from the fresh water lagoon up Pendrell Sound.

Ground is covered in oysters, ready for the picking

Huckleberries from just about everywhere, but the best haul was at Eagle Lake off Big Bay, Stuart Island.

Juicy huckleberries

Wild peas, from Moh Creek, up Bute Islet which turned into a delicious Prawn and Wild Pea pasta salad.

Fresh peas from Moh Creek

Lovely Prawn and Pea salad

Sea asparagus, wild mint and wild parsley from Thurston Bay, which turned into Sea Asparagus and Mushrooms and Nugget Potatoes with Wild Parsley. The wild mint I used in a mint and cucumber infusion. Sadly the pears and apples weren’t ripe yet.

Sea Asparagus is very salty -still can't find a good way to cook it!

Mint infusion

Prawns, from most anchorages, but the best haul was 18 from Nodales Channel, off a fish farm by Sonora Island.

Prawns on the bow at anchor in Octopus Islands

Crabs, which we only caught off the mud flat of Sandy Island, by Comox.

Our first crab haul

Crabs and prawns for supper

We did catch a cat in the crab trap, but we decided she could go free.

Caught a Tezi

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