Sixteenth  day out -Where or where has my little wind gone?

We’ve managed to sail ourselves into a patch of light winds smack in the middle of the traditional NE trades.

We motored for a couple hours in the afternoon and we’re lucky enough to sail most of the night until about 10 am when the engine came back on again.

It’s not that I mind the lower speeds of low wind sailing, it’s more that this boat has so much clanging and bashing with the in mast furler and large and generally heavy head sail. If we don’t have 8-10 kts apparent wind the sails don’t stay full and it is very trying on my nerves.

Next time round I think I’ll need to work out a bullet proof low wind sail solution. Asunto is so versatile in 18-20 plus kts of wind fit is great, but in anything under 12 kts I just find it very agonizing.

But we are getting close! I can feel that we are getting within striking distance.

Position update at 1200 local time April 8, 2016:
20 28.192 N
144 36.389 W
148 nautical mile noon to noon run
704 nautical miles to destination
6.5 Kt. SOG
282 COG

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