Day 6 -The start of the high

Well we made it through the night but had to turn the engine on at this morning as the wind was all but gone. We were able to ghost along from 11am to noon which was a nice break from the engine noise but hopefully the high will pass over us and we will be on our way again.

The NOAA forecasts show the high 150 miles due north of us right now and trending slightly SE over the next 48 hours. If that forecast holds true we should be able to sail / motor sail / motor our way through the high and pop out on the other side.

We were able to pull the main sail out and I have it lashed down to help support the bent boom.

We were a little slower yesterday at 126 miles but all and all pretty decent considering we are getting closer to the high.

Everyone has put on pants but me. I’ll probably cave in the next couple days but I’ll push it as long as possible!

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