the battery charger dies. After about 4 hours of run time. Total. Ever. Fynn’s first word may start with an F…
But at least this isn’t my dinghy!

Photo: Day 7: the battery charger dies. After about 4 hours of run time. Total. Ever. Fynn's first word may start with an F...<br />
But at least this isn't my dinghy!
Fynn decides to take over radio duties.
Photo: Day 6: Fynn decides to take over radio duties.
4am – Kolby is off on a business trip. I’m single handing it in the Creek (False Creek). My biggest concern? What if I fill up the holding tank?!
Photo: Day 4: 4am - Kolby is off on a business trip. I'm single handing it in the Creek (False Creek). My biggest concern? What if I fill up the holding tank?!