Day 2 – We’re pushing on

Needless to say it was very disheartening to break the boom yesterday. Although it isn’t completely broken it is virtually unusable and we have decided to carry on to Alaska as turning back would mean an end to this trip for the guys and our trip as family as well.

We had a great day sailing along with the Genoa alone and truth be told it is also a relief not to be worried about how many miles we reel off in a day. We will get to Alaska when we get to Alaska and there is nothing we can do about it.

Amazingly I slept very well and we also kept up a pretty good pace. Our noon to noon run was just under 150 miles and just under 300 for the first 48 hours, however I’m not going to be keeping track as closely as I did last time and I’ll just enjoy the ride.

Besides, last time I had places to be and people to meet!

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