Day 3 – Monsters in the dark

We had a pretty good run of 171 miles in the last 24 hours and speeds well over 8 knots at times. It has been great.

The seas have calmed down a lot and we have been blasting along on a beam reach. Although the wind instruments have not been working we keep sailing along! What a concept.

Last night around 11pm Ron and Jed woke me up as there was a freighter closing in on us. The freighter had come over the horizon and wasn’t overtaking us so it appeared we were on a collision course.

I was able to track the freighter on the Radar and MARPA and they were doing 21 kts about 2.5 miles away and were indeed on a collision course.

We watched the freighter for about two minutes and then he made a large course correction to port and passed behind us with lots of room to spare.

It was sure nice to know that the crew of the freighter were on the ball and also to know that our own crew was paying attention as well and had everything well in hand.

Meeting a 700′ freighter in the middle of the pacific in the middle of the night sure does make you glad you have crew on hand 24 hours keeping an eye out for you!

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