Day 4 -Sunny with a chance of lasagna

Well another great day sailing with the Genoa. We are again on a beam reach and managed to knock off 169 miles for the noon to noon run.

Jed and Kevin have been fishing for the last couple days without luck so I thought I would take my turn at cooking dinner for everyone.

Lasagna! After slaving away in the kitchen for at least three minutes pulling the lasagna out of the freezer, I find out that it will take two hours to cook. Oh well, better get on with it.

I made my specialty Caesar salad (romain lettuce and Caesar dressing) and pulled the lasagna out two hours later. Perfect!

We were clearly hungry as we ate about 5.25 lbs of the 6 lbs lasagna and all the salad, but it sure was nice to have a full meal.

We are still heading north and hoping the high will slide east. Not sure we will get that lucky but we will keep pushing North.

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